Drug Crimes

Fighting for you when you face drug-related charges

Practice Areas > Criminal Defense > Drug Crimes

Drug Crimes Attorney In Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Facing Drug Charges in Baton Rouge, LA?

If you're facing drug charges in the Baton Rouge, LA area, don't hesitate to seek legal representation. You need to work with a criminal defense attorney who understands what's at stake. By hiring Hodges Law Firm, you'll get reliable representation from an experienced attorney who is dedicated to your well-being.

Reach out to Hodges Law Firm today to consult a reputable criminal defense attorney in Baton Rouge, LA. You can meet with attorney Russell Hodges right away.

Contact Hodges Law Firm to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 225-665-5454

Helping Clients Build Persuasive Criminal Defenses

Hodges Law Firm firmly believes that everyone deserves access to fair, nonjudgmental representation, no matter what they're charged with. You shouldn't have to worry about working with an attorney who won't show you respect. You can trust attorney Hodges to fight aggressively for your rights.

As a former prosecutor with over 36 years of experience, he knows how to build a convincing defense strategy against a variety of drug charges, including:

  • Schedule I, II, III & IV drug possession
  • Drug Possession with a Firearm
  • Possession with intent to distribute

Call today to find out how Hodges Law Firm can help you deal with your drug charges.

Our legal team has successfully defended clients for a broad range of drug crimes, including trafficking, possession, importation, manufacturing, delivery, sale, transportation, and distribution of controlled substances of all kinds. In addition, we also defend clients facing charges of conspiracy to commit drug-related crimes. If you’ve been accused of one of these crimes, we’ll sit down with you to explore what options you have to achieve the most favorable outcome. Get in touch with our criminal law team to arrange a consultation.

On what other kinds of Drug Offenses can you defend me?

What Kinds of Consequences Could I Face?

Since drug crimes range from simple possession of a small amount of a controlled substance to drug manufacturing and trafficking, penalties can range from remanding you to a treatment program to spending years in prison. No matter what charges you face, our drug crime lawyers will fight aggressively against them. We'll do everything possible to have the charges dismissed or reduced or to achieve a positive outcome at trial. It’s important that you get legal help right away. Contact our office for a consultation now.

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